Those with a green thumb know the efforts it takes to nurture your plants and get them into good shape. The most damaging thing that can happen to them, other that unfavorable growing conditions, is the growth of weeds. We use herbicides to fight weeds that are mostly parasitic in nature. However it is important to choose the correct type of herbicide that will actually protect your plants instead of harming them.

Many products available in the market are so chemically concentrated that they are potentially dangerous for your plants, and on filtering into the soil layers, can result in retarded plant growth and toxicity. Here are some useful tips to help you decide which herbicide is right for your plants.
Identify the Type of Weeds
Firstly, when you see that there are weeds growing around your plants, identify them. Not every type of weed can be gotten rid off with the same herbicide. There are certain weeds that are seasonal like crabgrass, spurges and foxtail, while some are perennial weeds, for example, plantains, nutsedge, and dandelion. Depending upon their growth cycles, these weeds will require different herbicides. All herbicide bottles will have the names of the weeds they can treat listed on them; make sure you check them before buying.
Understand the Types of Herbicides
Herbicides are of two types – pre-emergent and post-emergent. Best Weed Pre Emergent Herbicides prevent the germination of weed seeds by creating a soil barrier or some other method. Post-emergent herbicides, on the other hand, work on the growing weeds and can be either selective or non-selective type. Selective herbicides only work for leafy weeds while keeping the grass intact. This is possible due to the existence of a chemical component known as 2, 4, D Dicamba, which is present along with MCPP.
If you have a patch of crabgrass, then it is wise to apply herbicides that have quinclorac or fenoxyprop ethyl or even dithiopyr in them. To treat nutsedge, you can use herbicides that contain ai-halosulfuron. However, in case of these selective herbicides, they might need to be applied more than once to actually make a difference.
Non-selective herbicides containing ai-glyphosate are actually very tricky to use because these chemicals do not distinguish between the main plants and the weeds; they simply destroy any part they are applied on. Thus, extreme precautions must be taken while using these; usually a very little amount of herbicide needs to be used.
Know How to Use the Herbicide
While planting your garden, make sure that you decide on how to use herbicides. If you want to stop the emergence of weeds then spray herbicide during spring before the growth starts. This will prevent the growth of weeds that are mentioned on the label of the herbicide bottle. But, if you wish to wait, then you can apply it once you see the growth of foliage and allow the chemicals to permeate through the pores and kill the weeds from inside. If you are located in Texas, Landscaping service in Prosper, TX, can help you decide the right option for you. For elsewhere, consult with a reliable, local landscaping service in your area.
Find Out More About the Herbicide You Use
Read up and collect as much information as possible on the particular herbicide you want to use, which will be determined by the type of weed that needs to be destroyed. This will give you an idea of what level of toxicity is involved and will allow you to take proper safety precautions. The active chemicals in the herbicides usually work on the foliage but there are also many additional chemicals that lead to soil toxicity and contamination. If you are growing plants bearing edible stuff, then be very carefully for these chemicals can cause damage upon consumption. Often commercial plants with a high content of chemicals from herbicides lead to skin diseases. Exercise maximum precaution when using herbicides.
Use in the Right Quantity
Decide on how much herbicide you want to use. Do not use extra amount as it will cause leaching and possible groundwater contamination. If you are not applying the herbicide over a large area, then avoid diluting it with water and choose an herbicide that can be applied at specifically targeted spots.
To conclude, always look for two things while buying herbicides – effectiveness on weeds and minimum contamination.