5 Flower Gardening Tips for Beginners

If you are not an experienced gardener, the idea of beginning a flower garden can be intimidating. However gardening and in particular coaxing flowers from the earth by your own efforts can be a tremendously rewarding task. The fact that it will help beautify your home immeasurably is just the icing on the cake! Here is our humble bit to augment your efforts in this direction:

1. Decide What You Want

An unseasoned gardener will not be able decide off the cuff what to plant where. A garden is a living, growing, constantly evolving thing but you can decide upon a few basics. Do you want pots, say for the patio or do you want flower beds in the garden? Where do you want your flower beds placed and how much of lawn do you want to retain? Also do you want to plant perennials or annuals? These rough estimates may be enough to make a start with.

2. Check Soil, Light and Water


Consider where you get the best sunlight; flowers need lots of natural light. So beneath the shade of a tree may not be the best place to have a flower bed. If the shade of trees or buildings obscures the sun for several hours a day some plants may not thrive. Roses for instance need sunshine about 6 hours a day, without which they will struggle.

Also consider the quality of your soil to see its suitability for growing flowers. And water availability: garden taps at convenient locations for watering is something else to check. To help regulate and reserve water while developing your green thumb, consider utilizing a flow meter.

3. Prepare the Soil

It is best to prepare the soil by turning it and adding natural manure to enrich it before the planting begins. If you have sandy soil it may need different treatment than clay soil, so consider the best treatment for each. However compost and mulch may improve the flower growing properties of most soils.

4. Pick Flowers Suitable for Your Climate and Season

If it’s annuals that you want to grow, pick some easy to grow flowers such as cosmos, pansies, petunias, and phlox which produce a riot of color. Flowers such as dahlias can be more spectacular, with huge individual blooms, but they need care and support. Check what will grow in what season; and what plants are resistant to frost if you live somewhere cold.

5. Proper Spacing

The final one of the flower gardening tips for beginners is to have proper spacing of the plants so that there is no overcrowding, and each plant gets the nutrients and amount of water that it needs. Remember to water optimally – overwatering can be as bad ad under watering.

One Response

  1. Janice Young May 18, 2012